Máy đo độ mù sương NDH 7000

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0917 543068
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Nippon Denshoku Việt Nam
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Máy đo độ mù sương NDH 7000



Haze Meter

NDH 7000





Description: https://www.nippondenshoku.co.jp/web/english/products/images/point_number_1.gif

Measurement is available for haze, total light transmittance, diffuse transmittance, parallel transmittance and turbidity.

Description: https://www.nippondenshoku.co.jp/web/english/products/images/point_number_2.gif

This model complies with a sample size of 30mm x 30mm up to 210mm x 297mm (A4 size).

Description: https://www.nippondenshoku.co.jp/web/english/products/images/point_number_3.gif

Depending on the size and shape of your samples, you can install this haze meter vertically or horizontally as you like.

Description: https://www.nippondenshoku.co.jp/web/english/products/images/point_number_4.gif

A hatch type trap has been adopted at the opening, by which stable measurement is possible even for a sample with high level of haze.

Description: https://www.nippondenshoku.co.jp/web/english/products/images/point_number_5.gif

A long life white LED has been adopted as a light source, so lamp replacement is no more needed and your running cost will be largely cut back.

Description: https://www.nippondenshoku.co.jp/web/english/products/images/point_number_6.gif

Display and operation can be controlled by either of CU-Ⅱ (exclusive control unit) or PC.

Description: https://www.nippondenshoku.co.jp/web/english/products/images/point_number_7.gif

Measuring aperture can be changed to φ7mm, It’s possible for small irradiation area (in option).






Máy đo độ mù sương NDH 7000

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